SciCoder Workshop

SciCoder is a five day workshop created and presented by Dr. Demitri Muna. The workshop is designed to introduce the early-career researcher to modern programming practices, languages, and tools as specifically applicable to scientific research. These skills will enable the participant to write better code, code faster, and leverage more tools than scientists are typically introduced to or aware of. An emphasis is placed on the rich variety of open source software available.

COVID-19 has made in-person workshops impossible this year. I am working on alternate ideas; watch this space. When it becomes safe to do so, workshops will return! Please contact me for inquires if you have interest in alternate training plans for your research group.

Host a SciCoder Workshop

Interested in hosting a workshop at your institution? Please contact demitri -at-

SciCoder Mailing List

Interested in hearing about future announcements about SciCoder? Sign up below for the mailing list. Don’t worry; the traffic will be extremely low.

Sign up for the SciCoder Mailing List


Introduction to Python, learn how to make code reusable by creating your own Python modules, transitioning to Python 3.
Introduction to Git, using GitHub, learn how to contribute code to community projects like Astropy.
Introduction to databases, database schema design, SQL, using an object-relational mapper (ORM), populating & querying databases from Python.
Transition from writing scripts to object-oriented code, creating your own application program interfaces (APIs).
Introduction to multiprocessing concepts in Python with code templates you can build on.
Learn how to create automated tests to check that your code is doing what you expect it to.
Regular expressions, introduction to R, NumPy, Jupyter notebooks, IPython, and more!



SciCoder Sydney Presented by ASTRO 3D

3-7 December 2018

Sponsored by ASTRO3D
Hosted at University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

SciCoder 14

9-13 September 2019

Hosted at W. M. Keck Observatory
Kamuela, Hawai‘i

SciCoder X

10-14 March 2018

Hosted & Sponsored by
University of Texas, San Antonio
San Antonio, TX

SciCoder Perth Presented by ASTRO 3D

29 October – 2 November 2018

Sponsored by ASTRO3D
Hosted at Curtin University
Perth, Australia

SciCoder Melbourne Presented by ASTRO 3D

19-23 November 2018

Sponsored by ASTRO3D
Hosted at University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia

SciCoder 7

4-8 April 2016

Hosted & Sponsored by
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia

SciCoder 8

1-5 August 2016

Hosted by
Yale University
New Haven, CT

SciCoder 9

31 July – 4 August 2017

Hosted & Sponsored by
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

SciCoder 4

8-12 July 2013

Hosted by
American Museum of Natural History
New York City, NY

SciCoder 5

23-27 June 2014

Hosted by
NYU-Abu Dhabi
New York City, NY

SciCoder 6

8-12 June 2015

Hosted by
NYU-Abu Dhabi
New York City, NY

SciCoder Workshop

21-25 June 2010

Hosted by
New York University
New York City, NY

SciCoder 2

20-24 June 2011

Hosted by
New York University
New York City, NY

SciCoder 3

23-27 July 2012

Hosted by
New York University
New York City, NY